! Phillips & Rix Climbing China
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09/04/27 04:35
those photos were taken in Sacramento Historic Garden on 4/18/2009. the specimen was collected by Phillips and Rix, one was planted in Sac Historic Garden. if you have the book "The rose Quest in China" by Philips and Rix, this should be the one in the bottom right of page 51, the plant near the door way.

according to the resource, the original plant in Lijiang, china is no longer there due to some sort of construction project.

09/04/27 22:41
和我知道的書名有些不同 覆查一下 應是"The Quest For the Rose" 我所見過的是1993年paperback版本 現存南台灣(應當還留著我所夾的彩虹旃那吧 澄清湖畔的喔)
書中章節名稱 請看http://www.locatetv.com/tv/quest-for-the-rose/23444
印象很深的是 作者們探訪到一些寺廟中存著些古老月季品種 一行人沖沖到了山門前 得到的卻是修道人口中淡然的某某年已枯死消息 心中還留著當時初讀的悵然 跟當地保留各處滇茶/南山茶古樹的情況 兩相對照下更形慘澹 時至今日 還有多少留存呢? 是否比Tipsy Imperial Concubine更讓人驚奇的呢?
順便補充說明一下 此書對川滇一帶的種原尋訪確實詳盡 所涉及的路線 大致不離「南絲路」與「茶馬古道」在中國境內的範疇 以中外經貿交通和文化交流來說 其豐富內涵及時空縱深 絕對不遜於經大漠→中亞→小亞細亞的絲路 以「南絲路」來稱呼 似乎是小看了的說法 這不是澳洲那本"Tea Roses"不足一頁就能盡述的(重點不在此 就不用苛求)
09/04/27 23:16
you are right, it's 'The Quest for the Rose'. I am not aware of 'Tipsy Imperial Concubine', Sac Historic Garden happens to have one. is that one also has bud balling issue? i should send an email to them to query that.
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